Fast method to multiply integer by proper fraction without floats or overflow

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-07 05:14:54


My program frequently requires the following calculation to be performed:


  • N is a 32-bit integer
  • D is a 32-bit integer
  • abs(N) <= abs(D)
  • D != 0
  • X is a 32-bit integer of any value


  • X * N / D as a rounded integer that is X scaled to N/D (i.e. 10 * 2 / 3 = 7)

Obviously I could just use r=x*n/d directly but I will often get overflow from the x*n. If I instead do r=x*(n/d) then I only get 0 or x due to integer division dropping the fractional component. And then there's r=x*(float(n)/d) but I can't use floats in this case.

Accuracy would be great but isn't as critical as speed and being a deterministic function (always returning the same value given the same inputs).

N and D are currently signed but I could work around them being always unsigned if it helps.

A generic function that works with any value of X (and N and D, as long as N <= D) is ideal since this operation is used in various different ways but I also have a specific case where the value of X is a known constant power of 2 (2048, to be precise), and just getting that specific call sped up would be a big help.

Currently I am accomplishing this using 64-bit multiply and divide to avoid overflow (essentially int multByProperFraction(int x, int n, int d) { return (__int64)x * n / d; } but with some asserts and extra bit fiddling for rounding instead of truncating).

Unfortunately, my profiler is reporting the 64-bit divide function as taking up way too much CPU (this is a 32-bit application). I've tried to reduce how often I need to do this calculation but am running out of ways around it, so I'm trying to figure out a faster method, if it is even possible. In the specific case where X is a constant 2048, I use a bit shift instead of multiply but that doesn't help much.


Tolerate imprecision and use the 16 MSBits of n,d,x

while (|n| > 0xffff) n/2, sh++
while (|x| > 0xffff) x/2, sh++
while (|d| > 0xffff) d/2, sh--
r = n*x/d  // A 16x16 to 32 multiply followed by a 32/16-bit divide.
shift r by sh.

When 64 bit divide is expensive, the pre/post processing here may be worth to do a 32-bit divide - which will certainly be the big chunk of CPU.

If the compiler cannot be coaxed into doing a 32-bit/16-bit divide, then skip the while (|d| > 0xffff) d/2, sh-- step and do a 32/32 divide.

Use unsigned math as possible.


The basic correct approach to this is simply (uint64_t)x*n/d. That's optimal assuming d is variable and unpredictable. But if d is constant or changes infrequently, you can pre-generate constants such that exact division by d can be performed as a multiplication followed by a bitshift. A good description of the algorithm, which is roughly what GCC uses internally to transform division by a constant into multiplication, is here:

I'm not sure how easy it is to make it work for a "64/32" division (i.e. dividing the result of (uint64_t)x*n), but you should be able to just break it up into high and low parts if nothing else.

Note that these algorithms are also available as libdivide.


I've now benchmarked several possible solutions, including weird/clever ones from other sources like combining 32-bit div & mod & add or using peasant math, and here are my conclusions:

First, if you are only targeting Windows and using VSC++, just use MulDiv(). It is quite fast (faster than directly using 64-bit variables in my tests) while still being just as accurate and rounding the result for you. I could not find any superior method to do this kind of thing on Windows with VSC++, even taking into account restrictions like unsigned-only and N <= D.

However, in my case having a function with deterministic results even across platforms is even more important than speed. On another platform I was using as a test, the 64-bit divide is much, much slower than the 32-bit one when using the 32-bit libraries, and there is no MulDiv() to use. The 64-bit divide on this platform takes ~26x as long as a 32-bit divide (yet the 64-bit multiply is just as fast as the 32-bit version...).

So if you have a case like me, I will share the best results I got, which turned out to be just optimizations of chux's answer.

Both of the methods I will share below make use of the following function (though the compiler-specific intrinsics only actually helped in speed with MSVC in Windows):

inline u32 bitsRequired(u32 val)
    #ifdef _MSC_VER
        DWORD r = 0;
        _BitScanReverse(&r, val | 1);
        return r+1;
    #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
        return 32 - __builtin_clz(val | 1);
        int r = 1;
        while (val >>= 1) ++r;
        return r;

Now, if x is a constant that's 16-bit in size or smaller and you can pre-compute the bits required, I found the best results in speed and accuracy from this function:

u32 multConstByPropFrac(u32 x, u32 nMaxBits, u32 n, u32 d)
    //assert(nMaxBits == 32 - bitsRequired(x));
    //assert(n <= d);
    const int bitShift = bitsRequired(n) - nMaxBits;
    if( bitShift > 0 )
        n >>= bitShift;
        d >>= bitShift;

    // Remove the + d/2 part if don't need rounding
    return (x * n + d/2) / d;

On the platform with the slow 64-bit divide, the above function ran ~16.75x as fast as return ((u64)x * n + d/2) / d; and with an average 99.999981% accuracy (comparing difference in return value from expected to range of x, i.e. returning +/-1 from expected when x is 2048 would be 100 - (1/2048 * 100) = 99.95% accurate) when testing it with a million or so randomized inputs where roughly half of them would normally have been an overflow. Worst-case accuracy was 99.951172%.

For the general use case, I found the best results from the following (and without needing to restrict N <= D to boot!):

u32 scaleToFraction(u32 x, u32 n, u32 d)
    u32 bits = bitsRequired(x);
    int bitShift = bits - 16;
    if( bitShift < 0 ) bitShift = 0;
    int sh = bitShift;
    x >>= bitShift;

    bits = bitsRequired(n);
    bitShift = bits - 16;
    if( bitShift < 0 ) bitShift = 0;
    sh += bitShift;
    n >>= bitShift;

    bits = bitsRequired(d);
    bitShift = bits - 16;
    if( bitShift < 0 ) bitShift = 0;
    sh -= bitShift;
    d >>= bitShift;

    // Remove the + d/2 part if don't need rounding
    u32 r = (x * n + d/2) / d;
    if( sh < 0 )
        r >>= (-sh);
    else //if( sh > 0 )
        r <<= sh;

    return r;

On the platform with the slow 64-bit divide, the above function ran ~18.5x as fast as using 64-bit variables and with 99.999426% average and 99.947479% worst-case accuracy.

I was able to get more speed or more accuracy by messing with the shifting, such as trying to not shift all the way down to 16-bit if it wasn't strictly necessary, but any increase in speed came at a high cost in accuracy and vice versa.

None of the other methods I tested came even close to the same speed or accuracy, most being slower than just using the 64-bit method or having huge loss in precision, so not worth going into.

Obviously, no guarantee that anyone else will get similar results on other platforms!

EDIT: Replaced some bit-twiddling hacks with plain code that actually ran faster anyway by letting the compiler do its job.

