How to get the window title of running application with command-line? [closed]

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-06 06:27:04


When application run in windows form it have property called window title .
This window title appear in the tab of the application windows.

I ask help to get this window title for the application running with command-line.


This is example how to get the windows title for running notepad.exe in command line:

tasklist /v /fo list /fi "imagename eq  notepad*"| find /i  "window title:"

OR run this line from cmd

for /f "tokens=* skip=9 delims= " %g in ('tasklist /v /fo list /fi "imagename eq  notepad*"') do @echo %g

If you like to run from batch file you will only replace %g with %%g

