Converting an empty string into nil in Ruby

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-05 20:20:32


I have a string called word and a function called infinitive such that
word.infinitive would return another string on some occasions and an empty string otherwise
I am trying to find an elegant ruby one line expression for the code-snippet below

if word.infinitive == ""
      return word
else return word.infinitive

Had infinitive returned nil instead of "", I could have done something like

(word.infinitive or word)

But since it does not, I can't take advantage of the short-circuit OR
Ideally I would want
1) a single expression that I could easily embed in other code
2) the function infinitive being called only once
3) to not add any custom gems or plugins into my code


If you're not ashamed of monkeypatching and abusing syntax, this would work:

class String
  def | x
    if empty? then x else self end

Then you can say word.infinitive | word, which actually scans fairly naturally, if you ask me.

However, I think a better idea would be to modify the infinitive method, or add a version of it that returns the word unchanged.

Edit: Here's a possibly more elegant solution:

[word.infinitive, word].find {|x| not x.empty?}


The ActiveSupport presence method converts an empty (or blank?) string to nil. It's designed for your exact use case:

word.infinitive.presence || word

Note that you can easily use ActiveSupport outside of rails:

require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'


You can use a regex like this article suggests

(word.infinitive[/.+/m] or word) #Fancy way to convert "" to nil


Do the right thing - fix infinitive so that it returns nils instead of blank strings, or wrap it with your own interface if you really can't touch it.


You could use the ternary operator (boolean ? true-val : false-val) with String#empty?

return word.infinitive.empty? ? word : word.infinitive

if you only want to call infinitive once:

return (inf = word.infinitive).empty? ? word : inf

You may also want to consider adding some memoization to your code.


Or you can monkeypatch a new function to String without having to abuse syntax.

class String
  def squash
    self.empty? ? nil : self

Now you can do

puts var.squash or "default text"

I'm not a native english speaker so I don't know if squash is the best word. Is there a word that would better convey the idea of "turn into nil only if empty"?

