How can I have a method parameter with type dependent on an implicit parameter?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2021-02-05 05:53:05


trait JsonOps[J] {
  type ObjectFields
  def partitionObjectFields(fields: ObjectFields, fieldNames: List[String]): (ObjectFields, ObjectFields)

def compilerNoLikey[J](stuff: ops.ObjectFields)(implicit ops:JsonOps[J]) = {}

def compilerLikey[J](stuff: Any)(implicit ops:JsonOps[J]) = {
    val stuff2 = stuff.asInstanceOf[ops.ObjectFields]

You can see my intent here. I define a type in JsonOps to encapsulate a structure dependant on J. Then later when I want to use this, I have a function that implicitly passes a JsonOps[J] object and also a parameter of type ObjectFields.

Problem is, ObjectFields is defined in ops, which occurs after the stuff in the signature.

How can I unscramble this?

The second def works, but I don't like passing Any around. I'd like the compiler to be able to check what's being passed in.


You should introduce one more type parameter for compilerLikey and write JsonOps with refinement

trait JsonOps[J] {
  type ObjectFields
  def partitionObjectFields(fields: ObjectFields, fieldNames: List[String]): (ObjectFields, ObjectFields)

def compilerLikey[J, OF](stuff: OF)(implicit ops: JsonOps[J] { type ObjectFields = OF }) = {}

or using Aux-pattern

trait JsonOps[J] {
  type ObjectFields
  def partitionObjectFields(fields: ObjectFields, fieldNames: List[String]): (ObjectFields, ObjectFields)

object JsonOps {
  type Aux[J, OF] = JsonOps[J] { type ObjectFields = OF }

def compilerLikey[J, OF](stuff: OF)(implicit ops: JsonOps.Aux[J, OF]) = {}

