In NodeJS how to save JSON object as text with node-postgres module?

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-05 05:51:10


Finally i move forward from postgresql 9.1 to postresql 9.3 that supports JSON data type. Then the same code function properly.

However i think that what i want to do in the first place can be done... if someone know how i still want to know.

node v0.10.28
pg v3.3.0
postgresql 9.1

I got this insert query

INSERT INTO sessions(sid, user_id, session_object) VALUES ('id1', 1, '{"id":"fX2HkXYLclB","data": testing"}') RETURNING session_id

When testing it from pgAdmin (or command line) it works fine, but when my app try to run it from pg.client.query it try to turn the object as a string saving "[object object]". Here is the node code:

var session = {"id":"fX2HkXYLclB","data": "testing"};
var sql = 'INSERT INTO sessions(sid, user_id, session_object) VALUES (\'id1\', ' +
          ' 1, \''+JSON.stringify(session)+'\' ) RETURNING session_id';
client.query(sql, function(err, info) {
  if(err) {
  return addSessionCB(err, null);
  return addSessionCB(null, info.rows[0].session_id);

After runing the application and testing the query manually on pg_admin the table show this 2 results.

 session_id |     sid     | user_id |            session_object             | active 
          1 | fX2HkXYLclB |       1 | [object Object]                       | t
          2 | fX2HkXYLclB |       1 | {"id":"fX2HkXYLclB","data": "testing"}| t
(2 filas)

So, the question is ¿what im doing wrong with the pg.query?

Adding the original code, the code before is simplified for readability.

function addSession(session, addSessionCB) {
  log.log('debug', '[PSQL]Add new session on DB. \nsession: '+ +
  function executeAddSessionQuery(user_id){
    var sql = 'INSERT INTO sessions(sid, user_id, session_object) VALUES (\'' + + '\', '+user_id+', \''+JSON.stringify(session)+'\' ) ' +
      'RETURNING session_id';
    log.log('debug', '[PSQL]Adding session: '' for user_id: '+
      user_id+'\nSQL: '+sql);
    client.query(sql, function(err, info) {
      if(err) {
        log.log('debug', '[PSQL]Error adding new session. \n'+err);
        return addSessionCB(err, null);
      return addSessionCB(null, info.rows[0].session_id);
//to save session we need to know user id
    function getUserByNameCB(err, user_result){

      if(err || !user_result){
        //if error or not result we try to save new user
        log.log('debug', '[PSQL]Associated user not found. Creating a new ' +
          'user entry. ');
          function addUserCB(err, newUserID){
              log.log('warn', '[PSQL]Session user didn\'t exists and cannot be ' +
                'added to DB');
              return addSessionCB(err, null);
      } else {
        //if the user exist we use his id.


The node postgres module has another form of query; where the 2nd parameter is an array of objects. So in your case

var sql = 'INSERT INTO sessions(sid,user_id,session_object) VALUES ($1,$2,$3) RETURNING session_id';
var values = [id1,1,JSON.stringify(session)];

and then follow that up with

client.query(sql,values,function(err,info) {

This also has the added benefit of guarding against SQL injection attacks.

