Text Recognition failing to recognize currency symbols

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-02-04 20:46:16


I am using the text recognition API within mobile vision, and trying to work with currency amounts. The OCR currently supports Latin based languages like French, German, etc., so I figured the country's currency (Euro) would be a recognized symbol, but as far as I can tell, it's not.

Are there language preferences that I should be changing in order to detect €? Does anyone have experience working with currency symbols within mobile vision as well, or is it just not currently supported?



I also would like to know if the Google Mobile Vision API can be configured to recognize the € symbol.

With other OCRs, like Tesseract, you can specify a white list and a blacklist of characters - like only numbers, only text, or text, numbers and € symbol.

If this does not work with the Google Mobile Vision API, it is a major limitation, and it can't be used for many use cases.


No it does not support recognizing symbols.


Try set languageHints, it helped me with the same problem

  "requests": [
      "image": {
        "source": {
          "gcsImageUri": "gs://YOUR_BUCKET_NAME/YOUR_FILE_NAME"
      "features": [
          "type": "TEXT_DETECTION"
      "imageContext": {
        "languageHints": [
          "en", "fr"

