Pandoc #4317 forces content under title slides to be included in a frame in pandoc > 2.7

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-02-04 16:24:27


In this question I explained my goal: creating accompanying slides for a bookdown project. I chose the Beamer format for the slides and was happy.

However, upgrading to Pandoc 2.7 onwards (>2.6) caused my project to produce undesired slides. Specifically, any previously ignored content is now thrown into an ad-hoc slide! I find this behavior quite odd, as my understanding was that choosing slide_level: 3 meant ### was needed to create a slide!

After insane amount of hours, I found what caused the issue:, leading to this change.

I have tried so many things, impossible to list them all. At the end of the day, no matter what I tried, my content ends up in a slide!! I thought at least

\title[Lecture1]{\CourseName{} \newline \, Lecture 1}

would escape from being thrown in a slide: nope.

Here is the actual code attempt in my .rmd file:

`r if (out_type=="beamer") "##\n"`
\title[Lecture1]{\CourseName{} \newline \, Lecture 1}

leads to the following .tex file:



\title[Lecture1]{\CourseName{} \newline \, Lecture 1}


and you can see the \mode<presentation> is now slapped onto a slide instead of doing its previous job...

Until pandoc 2.7, with my \mode command above, i was able to change the title slide for each chapter (syllaybus -> lecture 1 -> lecture 2 -> etc...). Now, I can no longer achieve this, instead, I am getting an undesired, unrequested slide - I guess I am left with rolling back to pandoc 2.6?

I am sure there is a better way and I sincerely apologize for having failed to find it. Much appreciated any help I can get with this - it's been a few months now :-(

