How to subscribe and publish parallel in Paho-MQTT python?

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-01-29 22:15:00


I'm working with the paho-mqtt client and wondering if anybody of you can help me subscribing and publishing messages parallel.
My Setup: I've got a couple of sensors writing data into an InfluxDB. Using subscriptions with some parameters (time, start of recording) I can afterwards get the sensordata out of the InfluxDB. I've wrote a script which subscribes to all sensors/# and hands me a list of all avalible sensors in my system, which leads me directly to my question:

My Problem: Now I've got an list of all my avalible sensors: topics_list:

 1. sensors/device1/temperature
 2. sensors/device2/gyroscope
 3. sensors/device1/gyroscope

also I've got a list containing the correct paramters for my InfluxDB query: list_request

 1. {"response":"sensors/device1/temperature","start":"2020-07T13:27:53Z","duration":"80s","interval":"1s"}
 2. {"response":"sensors/device2/gyroscope","start":"2020-07T13:27:53Z","duration":"80s","interval":"1s"}
 3. {"response":"sensors/device1/gyroscope","start":"2020-07T13:27:53Z","duration":"80s","interval":"1s"}

Now the workflow I've read about and used since now would be the following:

for i in topics_list: <br>
 1. connect client
 2. subscribe topic i
 3. publish message i

I'm wondering if anybody of you now how to initialise, connect, publish and subscribe in a parallel manner and doing so increase the performance.

