TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined, Is passing an array as a prop to a functional component not possible?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-01-29 22:11:08


I am following a MERN stack tutorial in which a parent component Dashboard passes an array of objects from its own props (after mapStateToProps) to another component Education. Trying to iterate through this array in Education component gives me the above mentioned error. Please help, the tutorial seemed to have no errors and I have followed it perfectly so why the issue?

<Education education={profile.education}/>

(passing the prop in Dashboard.js) education is an array of objects inside an object profile which is a prop mapped from the state. The profile prop is used in other lines in the same component and does not give any other errors.

const Education = ({education}) => {
    const educations = education.map(edu => (
    <tr key={edu._id}>
        <Moment format='YYYY/MM/DD'>{edu.from}</Moment - <Moment 
        <td className="btn brick">

     ...return block with JSX that renders when {educations} is omitted

(trying to iterate in Education.js)

EDIT: Full Dashboard.js code

import React ,{Fragment,useEffect} from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import {connect} from 'react-redux';
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';
import {getCurrentProfile} from '../../actions/profile';
import Spinner from '../layouts/Spinner';
import DashboardActions from './DashboardActions';
import Education from './Education';

const Dashboard = ({getCurrentProfile, auth, profile}) => {

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

return (
    profile.loading && profile.profile === null ? <Spinner /> : <Fragment>
        <h1 className="large text-primary">Dashboard</h1>
        <p className="lead">Welcome {auth.user && auth.user.name }</p>
        {profile.profile !== null
            <Education education={profile.education}/>
            <p>You have not yet set up a profile, please add some 
information about yourself</p>
            <Link to="/create_profile" className="btn btn-primary">Create 

Dashboard.propTypes = {
getCurrentProfile: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
auth: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
profile: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
auth: state.auth,
profile: state.profile

export default connect(mapStateToProps, {getCurrentProfile})(Dashboard);


Have you tried console.log(education) to see the value of education?

I think it is undefined while the profile is loading.

you could try const educations = education && education.map(edu => (


I had a similar problem which I was stuck on for a long time.

The cause of mine was very obscure, but I was importing an object History where I would pass the PropType object to.

I then created a PropType history in my Progress object, to which I defined in the propTypes object.

import History from "../components/class/History";
const Progress = ({ history, ...
    <History data_in={history}/>
Progress.propTypes = {
  history: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

The collision of History imported and history created as a PropType was causing the object to be passed into History as undefined, therefore the .map was being called on an undefined object.

I'm not sure if anyone will manage to reproduce it but It could help someone. :)

