Can we run automated tests using flutter_driver on Firebase Test Lab?

孤人 提交于 2021-01-29 16:04:51


I am able to run automation tests on sample flutter application using flutter_driver on Android Emulator. I am looking for options of executing on Device Clouds. There are few threads which talk about executions on AWS Device Farm. However, I am interested in Firebase Test Lab. Similar to how we can execute automated scripts in SauceLabs, is there an option to run automated tests in Firebase Test Lab using flutter_driver?


It's currently not possible. Test Lab only supports testing Android apps with Espresso or UI Automator, and iOS apps with XCTest. There is currently no other framework support. As stated in the documentation:

Test Lab runs Espresso and UI Automator 2.0 tests on Android apps, and XCTest tests on iOS apps. Write tests using one of those frameworks, then run them through the Firebase console or the gcloud command line interface.

Feel free to file a feature request with Firebase support.

