Properly link SWF library when compiling Actionscript 3 Air poject using as3mxml

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-01-29 10:06:59


In my attempts to achieve the following:

  • compile library.swf that contains different common scripts;
  • compile different SWFs that link library.swf and use these common scripts without copying code to own resulting SWFs;

I was trying to use acompc and mxmlc, however I couldn't achieve the approach above.

Recently I came up across as3mxml plugin for Visual Studio Code (VSC) which I gave a try as at least it had some examples. Here is my MVP:

Project library that builds library.swf, library.swc and catalog.xml


package Common {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    public class Label extends Sprite {
        public function Label(text:String, x:Number, y:Number) {
            var display_txt:TextField = new TextField();
            display_txt.text = text;
            display_txt.x = x;
            display_txt.y = y;


    "type": "lib",
    "compilerOptions": {
        "swf-version": 11,
        "source-path": [
        "include-sources": [
        "warnings": false,
        "debug": false,
        "use-network": false,
        "output": "bin/library.swc"

The library builds the way I want it to, so seemingly no problems here.

Project HelloWorld that builds HelloWorld.swf


package {
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import Common.Label;
    public class HelloWorld extends MovieClip {
        public function HelloWorld() {
            var label:Label = new Label("Hello World", 5, 5);


    "config": "air",
    "compilerOptions": {
        "swf-version": 11,
        "source-path": [
        "external-library-path": [
        "static-link-runtime-shared-libraries": false,
        "output": "bin/HelloWorld.swf"
    "mainClass": "HelloWorld"

With this setup, VSC successfully code-completes the Label class, the library and HelloWorld are built successfully, but the HelloWorld.swf has no linkage to library.

However, if I were to change external-library-path to library-path in HelloWorld/asconfig.json, then the code from library would be embed inside HelloWorld.swf, which is not the intended way. I was expecting HellowWorld.swf to explicitly import library.swf (via ImportAssets tag). I tried tweaking library imports ways and static link, but none of the ways lead to wanted behavior.

How can I achieve this?

Extra question: the compiler keeps compiling to CWS, how can I compile it uncompressed?

