Not able to fetch custom Metrics (for Azure Linux Virtual Machine) using Azure Monitor REST API

一世执手 提交于 2021-01-29 09:12:18


I have configured Diagnostic Settings and Insights to get the Custom Metrics. After configured, I get the Custom Metrics Namespace and Metrics also display the data.

But when I try to fetch the same metric data using the Azure Monitor REST API ( then I'm unable to fetch data because "Custom metric Namespace and Metric name" are not available for Linux Virtual Machine.

Example for Windows VM: Metric Namespace for Windows VM: "Azure.VM.Windows.GuestMetrics" Metric Name: "Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use" So I can fetch custom metrics data for Windows Virtual Machine using the above metric namespace and metric name.

I want to fetch custom metrics data like: Memory used, Logical Disk Performance for linux virtual machine. Please help me to get out of this issue.

How to get custom metrics data for linux virtual machine using REST API or Nodejs SDK?

