How to execute multiple generators based on actions dispatched asynchronously

99封情书 提交于 2021-01-29 08:42:28


I am trying to dispatch multiple actions which will trigger multiple generator functions.


dispatch({ type: "ACTION_1", data1});
dispatch({ type: "ACTION_2", data2});


function* method1(action){


const response = yield call(api, requestParams);



function* method2(action){


const response1 = yield call(api, requestParams1);


//dependent on response1
const response2 = yield call(api, requestParams2);


//dependent on response2
const response3 = yield call(api, requestParams3);


function* actionWatcher() {
    yield all([
        takeLatest("ACTION_1", method1),
        takeLatest("ACTION_2", method2),
export default function* sagas() {
    yield all([actionWatcher()]);

OnClick, method1 is called and I can see a network call and there is this error on console Error: Generator is already running.

I have tried takeEvery as well in actionWatcher() method, same error.

How do I achieve this?


As per requirement we can create sagas like here method1Saga and method2Saga is required so, i am giving you one example how saga works

//worker : work for our saga 
function* method1(action) {
    // api call : if we have many dependent api calls then we can simply add
    //one more response2 below response1 and we can use response1 in response2 as well because yield wait until we get our response from server 

    const response1 = yield call(api, requestParams); // api call which return type and payload 

    const response2 = ...... 

    yield put(pass_final_response_here); // pass_final_response_here like ( { type : '' , payload : 'your_response' } )

//watcher : watch for request 
function* method1Saga() {
yield takeLatest("ACTION_1",method1)

// you can create your method2Saga as per above example

function* actionWatcher() {
    yield all([
       //pass your all saga here  

Finally import actionWatcher.where we are configuring our store and then just run our saga. like

 *  Store Configuration 

 import  { createStore , applyMiddleware } from 'redux';

 import rootReducer from 'your_root_reducer_path';

 import reduxSaga from 'redux-saga';

 import actionWatcherPath from 'actionWatcherPath'; // 

 const sagaMiddleware = reduxSaga();

 const store = createStore(rootReducer,applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware));

 //run : our actionWatcherPath;

 export default store;

