How can I update a value of an element of an array without changing the position in React native using useState?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-01-29 08:08:26


How can I change a specific value of an array using useState without modifying it's position. For example: if I wouldn't use useState, I can modify the array like this: checkBox[2] = true. I tried setCheckBox[2](true) but it does work.

Can anyone help me with this issue.

const [checkBox, setCheckBox] = useState(
   [true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]

how can I change the value in index 2 of this array to true without changing the position?


setCheckBox[2](true) - this will not work because setCheckBox is a function, not an array or an object literal. setCheckBox[2] is just wrong syntax to use here.

You need to avoid mutating the array directly. Doing this will not trigger a re-render of your component.

To update the state correctly, in your case, you can use .map() method to transform the values of the checkBox array. .map() method will return a new array that will contain the transformed values.

// if index is equal to two, return true, otherwise return the value as it is
const updatedArr =, idx) => idx === 2 ? true : val);

// pass the new array to state updater function

