How to conditionally format a cell (in Google Sheets) if its content is present in a separate range of cells?

故事扮演 提交于 2021-01-29 06:41:28


I have a list of numeric codes in a range on a tab of a Google sheet. These values are non-consecutive, unsorted.

On a separate tab, I would like to conditional format a cell if its content matches any of the individual cells in the aforementioned range.

The best I can do in the "Format cells if..." dropdown is selecting "Text is exactly" and typing a single numeric code. Currently, I have a rule for each of the numeric codes. I would like to replace this collection of single rules with one rule.



here is an example of the opposite, so to adapt it for your purpose you need to drop NOT() and use INDIRECT() if you want to reference another sheet/tab (and you either use "text contains" or "text is exactly"):

green color:

  • apply to range A1:A custom fx: =FILTER(A1, NOT(COUNTIF(B1:E, A1)))

red color:

  • apply to range B1:B custom fx: =FILTER(B1, NOT(COUNTIF(A$1:A, B1)))
  • apply to range C1:C custom fx: =FILTER(C1, NOT(COUNTIF(A$1:A, C1)))
  • apply to range D1:D custom fx: =FILTER(D1, NOT(COUNTIF(A$1:A, D1)))
  • etc.

