Mysterious metrics in GCP Compute Engine API when the account does not use GCP compute

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-01-29 06:05:27


I have GCP account which I am using only Datastore in Native mode (Firestore), and Firebase Hosting/Auth. In this account, I am seeing a lot of compute related metrics getting generated from my dashboard as shown below. I have 0 ec2 compute vm instances running & no Kubernetes cluster running in the account.

Is it common to have these metrics generated in GCP even when you are not using anything in compute? If I do not get charged for these requests, I am guess I can ignore them... but I am a bit concerned that these metrics can distract viewing meaningful metrics generated from actual APIs that I use.

I am adding some of the top invoked methods below.

compute.v1.InstancesService.List    42,539  0   0.235 seconds   0.519 seconds
compute.v1.ZonesService.List    28,571  0   0.286 seconds   0.521 seconds
compute.v1.ZoneOperationsService.List   21,513  0%  0.233 seconds   0.518 seconds
compute.v1.DisksService.List    21,010  0   0.236 seconds   0.518 seconds
compute.v1.HttpHealthChecksService.List 15,757  0   0.24 seconds    0.52 seconds
compute.v1.RegionForwardingRulesService.List    14,693  0   0.245 seconds   0.52 seconds
compute.v1.RegionBackendServicesService.List    7,350   0   0.244 seconds   0.52 seconds
compute.v1.TargetVpnGatewaysService.List    7,343   0   0.247 seconds   0.521 seconds
compute.v1.VpnTunnelsService.List   7,343   0   0.245 seconds   0.52 seconds
compute.v1.FirewallsService.List    7,052   0   0.272 seconds
compute.v1.RegionDisksService.List  6,887   0   0.243 seconds   0.52 seconds
compute.v1.BackendServicesService.List  708 0   0.148 seconds   0.261 seconds
compute.v1.GlobalForwardingRulesService.List    705 0   0.15 seconds    0.261 seconds
compute.v1.RegionOperationsService.Get  585 0   0.195 seconds   0.396 seconds
compute.beta.BackendServicesService.List    525 0   0.152 seconds   


Yes, this is normal. If you review the list, all APIs are the list or get type. This is Google Cloud's management software obtaining lists of what resources you have. In Google Cloud, APIs are tracked both for usage and for security reasons (who is accessing what and when).

Most Google Cloud Services fit into or use resources from the Compute family of services. This includes networking, firewalls, gateways and other necessary services.

