What is the max rtsp(over tcp) packet size?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-01-29 05:53:00


I didn't see about it anything in Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) , but when I sniffing , I saw the max rtsp packet size is 1440.

And like you can see here RTSP - RTP over TCP

RTP Data

After the setup, RTP data will be sent through the TCP socket that is used for RTSP commands. The RTP data will be encapsulate in the following format

| magic number | channel number | embedded data length | data |

magic number - 1 byte value of hex 0x24 channel number - 1 byte value to denote the channel embedded data length - 2 bytes to denote the embedded data length data - data packet, ie RTP packet, with the total length of the embedded data length

I can see the 0x24 magic in each 1440 bytes.

Is that true? 1440 is the max rtsp packet size?


Please check the MTU size/Network MTU of the network connection. The size of the packet will be based on the MTU size only ( < less than the MTU size).

