Firestore text search containing keyword Flutter

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2021-01-29 05:24:55


i was planning to have a full text search feature for the String name field of my document, but from the research i have done , it seems like searching text with firestore is not possible, then i come up with solution which is creating a new array field to store keyword in document, like this

and then i called it using arracVontains, with searchedKeyword as the inputted text from user

        .where("keyword", arrayContains:searchedKeyword)

Now, i'm quite hesitant on wether it is okay to do it like this(will there be huge impact on my app)? or is there any better way to do this? Thank you!


I was in the same position, before, I decided to go with the Full-text search using Algolia + Firestore

Few Risks with current flow:

  1. More manual work needed. Create / Update
  2. String data is case sensitive
  3. Here you are adding more weight to your document. It may affect the performance
  4. For single keyword search array-contains would be enough; However for multi keyword search you have to go with array-contains-any, but it has few limitations.
  5. etc, etc

I tried the same solution that you are following now. However, due to few limitation, I picked up this Algolia solution. For me, this solutions seems bit costly; however at initial stage we could manage this. But at the end, you have to decide based on your application's requirement.


