How to set a breakpoint on an assembly file using Xcode?

戏子无情 提交于 2021-01-29 05:02:52


I tried "breakpoint [line number]", "breakpoint filename.s:line_number" but they don't work. Currently I have to step through all lines, and it's a hassle


As an alternative you can:

1) show memory with assembly instructions with


with explicit arguments

if you need reach out further

di -c 1000 ;

if you need to disassemble a specific address

di -s <address>

2) set a memory break point with

br s -a <memory address you found in previous step>

Another alternative is slightly more destructive but actually more effortless , which may or may not be useful in your case. You can make an invalid syscall in your assembly code. Your program will happily continue execution but lldb will break on the next instruction after the syscall with SIGSYS/EXC_SYSCALL. You haven't specified if you're targetting x86-64 or arm so the setup will differ slightly.

For x86-64 you'd have


Assuming your rax register does not happen to be a valid syscall i.e in 0x2000xxx range the destructive part will include:

1) Zeroing upper 32bits of rax register

2) r11 will become rflags

3) rcx will become rip (it's used by the XNU kernel for returning to the user space from the syscall), however if you single step rcx will become rsp as mentioned by me here

For 32 bit and 64bit arm you can make a system call with:

svc 0x80 

Btw any 1 byte^ number will work, but by convention it's 0x80. 32bit uses r12 for syscall number. 64bit uses x16. More info here & here. So basically valid ranges are 0x0 - 0x0xxx. Even invalid syscalls seem to affect x0 & x1 (for 64bit, as I don't have a 32bit device to test). So as long as you take into account x0 & x1 being affected after the syscall and happen to have x16 that is an invalid syscall you're good to go.

UPDATE To @PeterCordes excellent remark yet another alternative for x86 is:


i.e. debugger trap

arm equivalent is


The difference vs syscall approach is the program execution after int3 / trap will continue if and only if debugger is attached and lldb continue command follows, the added value is it won't affect the registers at all. In the syscall approach the program will also continue execution without debugger attached with the aforementioned registers affected.

