DatePicker set two dates with startDate >= tomorrow

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-01-29 02:49:57


I'm trying to build 2 datepickers with the following restriction:

  1. startDate >= tomorrow
  2. endDate > startDate
  3. endDate can't select a date if startDate not selected

just like the checkin / checkout hotel rooms. I'm using this so far

function customRange(input) 
    return {
     minDate: ( == "startDate" ? new Date(2008, 12 - 1, 1) : null),
     minDate: ( == "endDate" ? $("#startDate").datepicker("getDate") : null), 
     maxDate: ( == "startDate" ? $("#endDate").datepicker("getDate") : null)

Can someone help me out in here?



Try this

1) First get today's and tomorrow's dates.

var today = new Date();
var tomorrow = new Date(today.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

2) Set tomorrow's date as minDate in start Date.

minDate: tomorrow

3) When you select a start date, set it as minDate for end Date.

onSelect: function (dat, inst) {
        $('#end').datepicker('option', 'minDate', dat);

The entire thing is going to handle with 3 options in Datepicker.

1. minDate  
2. maxDate  (if needed)
3. onSelect

var today = new Date();
var tomorrow = new Date(today.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
    minDate: tomorrow,
    onSelect: function (dat, inst) {
        $('#end').datepicker('option', 'minDate', dat);


Hope you understand.

