Start specific view of Gluon App from a notification

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-01-29 01:49:42


I set up an alarm to show a corresponding Notification. The PendingIntent of the Notification is used to start the Gluon App main class. To show a View other than the homeView, I call switchView(otherView) in the postInit method. OtherView is shown, but without AppBar. While it's possible to make the AppBar appear, I wonder if this is the right approach.

public void postInit(Scene scene) {
    // additional setUp logic

    boolean showReadingView = (boolean) PlatformProvider.getPlatform().getLaunchIntentExtra("showReadingView", false);
    if (showReadingView) {


When triggering anything related to the JavaFX thread from another thread, we have to use Platform.runLater().

Yours is a clear case of this situation: the Android thread is calling some pending intent, and as a result, the app is started again.

This should be done:

public void postInit(Scene scene) {
    // additional setUp logic

    boolean showReadingView = (boolean) PlatformProvider.getPlatform().getLaunchIntentExtra("showReadingView", false);
    if (showReadingView) {
        Platform.runLater(() -> switchView(READING_VIEW));

