how do i return the response back to caller asynchronously using a final callback dispatched from on_read handler?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-01-28 22:45:16


I need to expose an async REST api for c++ clients, that internally uses boost::beast for sending REST requests / receiving responses.

The starting point is http_client_async.cpp example.

Now the client will pass a callback function using this async api, that needs to be called at the end of the REST operation from the on_read() handler[http_client_async.cpp], passing the full response back to the caller.

How can i achieve this?


but is there any way to invoke thie _callback through asio's io_context? I would like to call this callback in async fashion since this callback , which is provided by the user could block, and thus block the io_context's thread aswell? Similar to the way the other handlers like the on_read(), on_write() etc are scheduled in the io_context?

Yes. What you're after is the async_result protocol. I have some examples of that in other answers (e.g. How can I get a future from boost::asio::post?).

Here's the building blocks:

Store a handler

In your "session" (let's rename it http_request_op and hide it in some detail namespace), you want to remember a completion handler.

Don't worry, nobody has to come up with the such a handler. We will add an initiaing function async_http_request that will make it for you.

The end-user might use a future or a coroutine (yield_context). Of course, they can supply a plain vanilla callback if they prefer.

using Response = http::response<http::string_body>;

template <typename Handler>
class http_request_op : public std::enable_shared_from_this<http_request_op<Handler> > {
    // ...
    Response res_;
    Handler handler_;

    // ...

    template <typename Executor>
    explicit http_request_op(Executor ex, Handler handler)
        : resolver_(ex),
    { }

Now in your final step you invoke that handler_. To keep it simple I made the fail helper into a member function and called it complete:

void complete(beast::error_code ec, char const* what) {
    if (ec && what) {
        // TODO: A better idea would to make a custom `Response` type that
        // has room for "fail stage"
    post(stream_.get_executor(), [this, ec, self=this->shared_from_this()] {
            handler_(ec, std::move(res_));

All the places that check ec and used fail before now call complete with the same ec. In addition, in on_read we add an unconditional completion:

void on_read(beast::error_code ec, size_t /*bytes_transferred*/) {
    if (ec)
        return complete(ec, "read");
    stream_.socket().shutdown(tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec);

    // unconditional complete here
    return complete(ec, "shutdown");

Initiating function (async_http_request)

template <typename Context, typename Token>
auto async_http_request(Context& ctx, beast::string_view host, beast::string_view port, beast::string_view target, int version, Token&& token) {
    using result_type = typename net::async_result<std::decay_t<Token>, void(beast::error_code, Response)>;
    using handler_type = typename result_type::completion_handler_type;
    handler_type handler(std::forward<Token>(token));
    result_type result(handler);

    std::make_shared<detail::http_request_op<handler_type> >
        (make_strand(ctx), std::move(handler))
            ->start(host, port, target, version);

    return result.get();

You see this creates an async result, which crafts a "handler" from the token passed, kicks of the http_request_op and returns the async result.

What is returned depends on what token is passed. See the usages:


I'll show various ways in which end-users can choose to use this async_http_request initiating function:

Using a future

auto future = async_http_request(ioc.get_executor(), host, port, target, version, net::use_future);;

std::cout << future.get() << "\n";

The return type is std::future<Response>.

The creation of the promise and setting the return value/exception information is magically handled by Asio.

Using a coroutine/yield context:

net::spawn(ioc, [&ioc,args](net::yield_context yield) {
    try {
        auto host   = args[0];
        auto port   = args[1];
        auto target = args[2];
        int version = args[3]=="1.0"? 10 : 11;

        Response res = async_http_request(
                host, port, target, version,

        std::cout << res << std::endl;
    } catch (boost::system::system_error const& se) {
        // no way to get at response here
        std::cout << "There was an error: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;

The return type is just Response here. Note that exceptions are raised if an error condition is reported. Alternatively, pass an error_code variable:

        beast::error_code ec;
        Response res = async_http_request(
                host, port, target, version,

        std::cout << ec.message() << "\n" << res << std::endl;

Still using a callback

/*void*/ async_http_request(ioc, host, port, target, version, 
    [](beast::error_code ec, Response const& res) {
        std::cout << ec.message() << "\b" << res << "\n";

The return value ends up being simply void.

Full Demo Code

No live demo because no online compiler supports network requests and also it exceeds compilation limits (e.g. here)

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/spawn.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/use_future.hpp>

#include <boost/beast/core.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/http.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/version.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

namespace beast = boost::beast;
namespace http = beast::http;
namespace net = boost::asio;
using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;

using Response = http::response<http::string_body>;

namespace detail {
    template <typename Handler>
    class http_request_op : public std::enable_shared_from_this<http_request_op<Handler> > {
        tcp::resolver resolver_;
        beast::tcp_stream stream_;
        beast::flat_buffer buffer_;
        http::request<http::empty_body> req_;
        Response res_;
        Handler handler_;

        template <typename F>
        auto bind(F ptmf) { return beast::bind_front_handler(ptmf, this->shared_from_this()); }

        void complete(beast::error_code ec, char const* what) {
            if (ec && what) {
                // TODO: A better idea would to make a custom `Response` type that
                // has room for "fail stage"
            post(stream_.get_executor(), [this, ec, self=this->shared_from_this()] {
                    handler_(ec, std::move(res_));
        template <typename Executor>
        explicit http_request_op(Executor ex, Handler handler)
          : resolver_(ex),
        { }

        void start(beast::string_view host, beast::string_view port, beast::string_view target, int version) {
            req_.set(http::field::host, host);
            req_.set(http::field::user_agent, BOOST_BEAST_VERSION_STRING);
            resolver_.async_resolve(host.to_string(), port.to_string(), 
                bind_executor(stream_.get_executor(), bind(&http_request_op::on_resolve)));

        void on_resolve(beast::error_code ec, tcp::resolver::results_type results) {
            if (ec)
                return complete(ec, "resolve");
            stream_.async_connect(results, bind(&http_request_op::on_connect));

        void on_connect(beast::error_code const& ec, tcp::endpoint const&) {
            if (ec)
                return complete(ec, "connect");
            http::async_write(stream_, req_, bind(&http_request_op::on_write));

        void on_read(beast::error_code ec, size_t /*bytes_transferred*/) {
            if (ec)
                return complete(ec, "read");
            stream_.socket().shutdown(tcp::socket::shutdown_both, ec);

            // unconditional complete here
            return complete(ec, "shutdown");

        void on_write(beast::error_code ec, size_t /*bytes_transferred*/) {
            if (ec)
                return complete(ec, "write");
            http::async_read(stream_, buffer_, res_, bind(&http_request_op::on_read));

template <typename Context, typename Token>
auto async_http_request(Context& ctx, beast::string_view host, beast::string_view port, beast::string_view target, int version, Token&& token) {
    using result_type = typename net::async_result<std::decay_t<Token>, void(beast::error_code, Response)>;
    using handler_type = typename result_type::completion_handler_type;
    handler_type handler(std::forward<Token>(token));
    result_type result(handler);

    std::make_shared<detail::http_request_op<handler_type> >
        (make_strand(ctx), std::move(handler))
            ->start(host, port, target, version);

    return result.get();

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    std::vector<beast::string_view> args{argv+1, argv+argc};
    if (args.size() == 3) args.push_back("1.1");

    if (args.size() != 4) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: http-client-async <host> <port> <target> [<HTTP "
                     "version: 1.0 or 1.1(default)>]\n"
                  << "Example:\n"
                  << "    http-client-async 80 /\n"
                  << "    http-client-async 80 / 1.0\n";
        return 255;

    auto host   = args[0];
    auto port   = args[1];
    auto target = args[2];
    int version = args[3]=="1.0"? 10 : 11;

    net::io_context ioc;

    net::spawn(ioc, [=,&ioc](net::yield_context yield) {
        try {
            Response res = async_http_request(
                    host, port, target, version,

            std::cout << "From coro (try/catch): " << res.reason() << std::endl;
        } catch (boost::system::system_error const& se) {
            // no way to get at response here
            std::cout << "coro exception: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;

    net::spawn(ioc, [=,&ioc](net::yield_context yield) {
        beast::error_code ec;
        Response res = async_http_request(
                host, port, target, version,

        std::cout << "From coro: " << ec.message() << ", " << res.reason() << "\n";

    /*void*/ async_http_request(ioc, host, port, target, version, 
        [](beast::error_code ec, Response const& res) {
            std::cout << "From callback: " << ec.message() << ", " << res.reason() << "\n";

    auto future = async_http_request(ioc, host, port, target, version, net::use_future);;
    try {
        std::cout << "From future: " << future.get().reason() << "\n";
    } catch (boost::system::system_error const& se) {
        std::cout << "future exception: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;

Output for a successful and failing requests:

$ ./sotest 80 / 1.1
From callback: Success, OK
From coro: Success, OK
From coro (try/catch): OK
From future: OK

$ ./sotest 81 / 1.1
From callback: The socket was closed due to a timeout, connect
coro exception: The socket was closed due to a timeout
From coro: The socket was closed due to a timeout, connect
From future: future exception: The socket was closed due to a timeout

$ ./sotest www.example.cough 80 / 1.1
From callback: Host not found (authoritative), resolve
coro exception: Host not found (authoritative)
From coro: Host not found (authoritative), resolve
From future: future exception: Host not found (authoritative)

$ ./sotest rhubarb / 1.1
From callback: Service not found, resolve
coro exception: Service not found
From coro: Service not found, resolve
From future: future exception: Service not found

Note that the timeout example of course runs in ~30s total, because everything runs asynchronously.


Referencing this example as you call out:

Modify session constructor to take a callback that accepts an http status integer and a body string.

typedef std::function<void(unsigned int, const std::string&)> CALLBACK;

CALLBACK callback_;

session(net::io_context& ioc, CALLBACK& callback)
    : resolver_(net::make_strand(ioc))
    , stream_(net::make_strand(ioc))
    , _callback(callback)

Modify session::on_read to invoke the callback.

    beast::error_code ec,
    std::size_t bytes_transferred)

        _callback(0, "");
        _callback(_res.result_int(), _res.body());

