Grouping in the “Processes” tab of Task Manager

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-01-28 20:13:17


How do I have my application's process to show like "Adobe Acrobat Update Service" and other processes which also don't appear on Apps group, but on Background processes group?


There are three different groups that show up in the Processes tab of Task Manager:

  • Apps - any processes that are showing UI (have a top-level window)
  • Background Processes - any non-UI, non-Windows processes
  • Windows Processes - any non-UI, Windows processes

Processes can move between groups while they are running. This can be demonstrated pretty easily using Windows Explorer. Windows Explorer will show up in either the Apps or Windows Processes group depending upon whether it is showing any UI (for example, the Run dialog or a folder).

