Infinite vertical scrollview both ways (add items dynamically at top/bottom) that doesn’t interfere with scroll position when you add to list start

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-01-28 19:37:02


I’m after a vertical scrollview that’s infinite both ways: scrolling up to the top or down to the bottom results in more items being added dynamically. Almost all help I’ve encountered is only concerned with the bottom side being infinite in scope. I did come across this relevant answer but it’s not what I’m specifically looking for (it’s adding items automatically based on time duration, and requires interaction with direction buttons to specify which way to scroll). This less relevant answer however has been quite helpful. Based on the suggestion made there, I realised I can keep a record of items visible at any time, and if they happen to be X positions from the top/bottom, to insert an item at the starting/ending index on the list.

One other note is I’m getting the list to start in the middle, so there’s no need to add anything either way unless you’ve moved 50% up/down.

To be clear, this is for a calendar screen that I want the user to be scroll to any time freely.

    struct TestInfinityList: View {
    @State var visibleItems: Set<Int> = []
    @State var items: [Int] = Array(0...20)
    var body: some View {
        ScrollViewReader { value in
            List(items, id: \.self) { item in
                VStack {
                    Text("Item \(item)")
                .onAppear {
                    /// if this is the second item on the list, then time to add with a short delay
                    /// another item at the top
                    if items[1] == item {
                        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.4) {
                            withAnimation(.easeIn) {
                                items.insert(items.first! - 1, at: 0)
                .onDisappear {
                .frame(height: 300)
            .onAppear {
                value.scrollTo(10, anchor: .top)

This is mostly working fine except for a small but important detail. When an item is added from the top, depending on how I’m scrolling down, it can sometimes be jumpy. This is most noticeable towards the end of clip attached.

