Different behavior for pseudo-class with space and without space

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-01-28 14:20:41


This issue is related to CSS pseudo-class. I refer to :last-child just for example, I suppose it happens to all other pseudo-class too.

  1. Given I have following simple HTML:
  1. I add following CSS:


Without space both paragraphs will be marked as red

  1. When I will set space between .body and :last-child, only second paragraph will be marked as red - that happens in Google Chrome, I see snippet tool doesn't mark any paragraph with red.

body: last-child{

Question: Could anyone help me understand why this happens? Maybe anything to read more on behaviour with space and without space for pseudo-class?


It's last paragraph not last body.

So, just do this:

body p:last-child{
   color: red;

Space separates the next level of elements for css selector to work.


pseudo-element should always work without Space in between of element and colon .eg

body p:last-child{ color:red; }


1. Without spacing

body:last-child {
  color: red;

In the above code, all the p elements are red because color: red is applied to the body and is applied to the child elements as well. body:last-child, here :last-child is w.r.t to the parent and does not mean last child of body element.

2. With spacing

body: last-child{

The above is invalid syntax and does not apply styling. You can validate your CSS: W3C CSS Validator

3. Solution:

body p:last-child { /* Select the paragraph which is last inside body */
  color: red;

Avoid using this in SO snippets as the child selectors will be difficult to style. <link> and <script> is added/appended to the markup and disrupts the child selector.


With body:last-child, you target the last body (and there is only one). So everything within the body will be colored red.

The body: last-child doesn't work, because it is invalid.

What you are looking for is body p:last-child.

