Establishing the connection from Script Task(VB) to OLEDB Connection Manager of SSIS Package

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-01-28 14:18:47


How to use the existing OLEDB connection Manager from scripttask Task(VB). i need to execute a SQL statement from "Script Task" Task.


Attempted the following code but couldn't get the connection with my OLEDB Connectionmanager

Dim MyCM As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections("MyConnection1") 
Dim CS As String = Dts.Connections(MyCM).ConnectionString 
sqlConn = New SqlConnection(CS) 


I would refer you to this most excellent blog post by Todd McDermid, Using Connections Properly in an SSIS Script Task


First you must add the connection manager to the script box:

Adding a connection manager to a script component

Then, you access it in the code through the Connections object, e.g:


Check the link in the answer from user bilinkc for more detailed information


I don't remember the link where I found this. but it woks! (only you have to change to C# or find the way to put in VB it coud be easy) SSIS has problems with cast Object_COM to IDTSConnectionManager, I wasted a lot of time with it, so OleDbConnection fix it.

Using your Connection Manager and the name of the connection OLEDB_NameConnectionTo_SQLServer, if you use storesProcedures or function in the query the character "?" is important to put the parameters after, I really don't know why so off the hook

you have to add this refences.

using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper;
using System.Data.OleDb; ...


    ConnectionManager cm = Dts.Connections["OLEDB_NameConnectionTo_SQLServer"];
    IDTSConnectionManagerDatabaseParameters100 cmParams = cm.InnerObject as IDTSConnectionManagerDatabaseParameters100;
    OleDbConnection conn = cmParams.GetConnectionForSchema() as OleDbConnection;

    OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("EXEC SP ?, ?, ?;", conn);

    OleDbParameter Param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@PIParam", OleDbType.Integer);
    ParametroId.Value = 3;

    OleDbParameter Cons = cmd.Parameters.Add("@PICons", OleDbType.Integer);
    Cons.Value = 2;

    OleDbParameter Cte = cmd.Parameters.Add("@PICte", OleDbType.Integer);
    Cte.Value = 1;

    using ( OleDbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()  ){
    if ( reader.HasRows && reader.Read() )
        valor = (reader["VALUE"].ToString());


} catch( Exception ex ){

