OrientDB: How to flatten nested heirarchy into a single record

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-01-28 12:10:40


I have a structure that looks something like this:

How can I traverse my Page and get back a flat record so that each row represents all of data from the root node and its edges. My use case is that I'm producing a csv file.

so from the example above, i would like to create a row for each post. Each record should contain all fields from post, the language name, the page name, and the network name.

From what I can tell, when you do any kind of traversal, it only gives you the result of the final vertex and not any data from the vertices in between.


Try this query:

select *,out('posted_to').name as page,out('posted_to').out('is_language').name as language,out('posted_to').out('is_network').name as network from <class Post> unwind page,language,network 


If there are many posts per page, then anchoring the query on the Pages may be more efficient than starting with the Posts.


select focus.in() as post,
       focus.name as page,
       focus.out("is_language").name as language,
       focus.out("is_network").name as network
from (select @this as focus from Page)
unwind post, language, network, page

#   |@CLASS|post |page|language|network
0   |null  |#11:0|1   |Welsh   |1      
1   |null  |#11:1|1   |Welsh   |1      
2   |null  |#11:2|1   |Welsh   |1      
3   |null  |#11:3|1   |Welsh   |1      
4   |null  |#11:4|1   |Welsh   |1      
5   |null  |#11:5|1   |Welsh   |1      
6   |null  |#11:6|1   |Welsh   |1      

