Rails4 ActiveRecord has_one :conditions key removed

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-28 12:10:40


I am converting a RoR3.2 app to v4.2. In some models we have this construct:

  # A correspondent can have only one currently active client role or
  # it may have none.
  has_one           :active_client,   :class_name => 'Client', 
                    :conditions => IsActiveRow

I am getting this error:

      Unknown key: :conditions. Valid keys are: :class_name, :class,
 :foreign_key, :validate, :autosave, :dependent, :primary_key,
 :inverse_of, :required, :as, :foreign_type

Which is raised here:

/core_ext/hash/keys.rb:75:in `block in assert_valid_keys'

/core_ext/hash/keys.rb:73:in `each_key'

/core_ext/hash/keys.rb:73:in `assert_valid_keys'

/active_record/associations/builder/association.rb:82:in `validate_options'

/active_record/associations/builder/association.rb:62:in `initialize'

/active_record/associations/builder/association.rb:47:in `new'

/associations/builder/association.rb:47:in `create_builder'

/active_record/associations/builder/association.rb:35:in `build'

active_record/associations.rb:1385:in `has_one'

/orm_active_record/correspondent.rb:14:in `<class:Correspondent>'

/orm_active_record/correspondent.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
. . .

Now, I looked at the docs and, sure enough, :conditions is removed as a key for has_one associations in Rails4.0.0 while it is present in 3.2.0. So, my questions are:

Where did the has_one :conditions => key go? When was its deprecation announced? Where is its deprecation announced? What is the replacement?

P.S. On the off chance that somebody decided that has_one :conditions => should be has_many :conditions => I tried switching the method name and got the same error. Now the edge rails associations documents still list :conditions as a valid key for has_many and yet I get the same error. What is going on?

From Rails Upgrade Guide:

Rails 4.0 has deprecated the old-style hash based finder API. This means that methods which previously accepted "finder options" no longer do. For example, Book.find(:all, conditions: { name: '1984' }) has been deprecated in favor of Book.where(name: '1984')

As far as I can determine this is the only mention of the deprecation anywhere. There is no mention that I could find in the ActiveRecord documentation for 3.2.13 where :conditions is still present and there is no mention of the change in 4.0.2 where :conditions is simply gone.


If you look at the official guide to upgrading rails the deprecation is mentioned. In general, where is the replacement for conditions. It should be passed as a lambda.

In your case, it would look like:

has_one :active_client, -> { where IsActiveRow }, :class_name => 'Client'

