Accessing Bundle of main application while running XCTests

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-01-28 11:11:59


In tests target -> General -> Testing: set Host Application to None, so that no app gets launched.

But in that case I cannot use Bundle.main.resourcePath and access resources of my main application (in which some command files are included as resources and I need to run them using Process()).

Could anyone suggest a solution?


Bundle(identifier: "") will get you the bundle for a specific bundle ID. The problem is that if your bundle ID changes for your main target this will fail.

You can also try getting the bundle for a specific class:

let bundle = Bundle(for: SomeClass.self)

Where SomeClass is a class in your main bundle.


Added file to 'Copy Bundle Resources' of Test target also, then used following code to get path for resource , instead of "\(Bundle.main.resourcePath!)/test.command"

let testBundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self)) let path = "\(testBundle.resourcePath!)/test.command""

