Determining if a remote subscriber is temporarily disconnected

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-01-28 11:08:46


This is in the context of reconnection. As a moderator I want to know when a remote subscriber (a client subscriber of the stream that I publish) drops temporarily its connection.

First, the subscriber events disconnect, reconnecting and reconnected are dispatched locally on the remote side, that is the guy that loses its connection. The publisher receives no events about the remote connection that gets lost.

Second, I tried to use the 'signal' JS web jdk as well as the server jdk. The idea was to get an error when sending a signal to a 'temporarily' disconnected client, but all I got is successful responses for both, the server I get 204 status code. So I understand the signals are queue and sent when the remote client gets reconnected.

So far I found no way to determine from a connected client when another client loses its connection 'temporarily entering in the 'reconnecting' state.

The signal API only sends error when the client gets completely disconnected from the session, not temporarily disconnected.

I know can mimic this with signals and timeouts, but this way I need the server to trust my client and I really need to validate this on the server side as well, otherwise it would be 'hackable'.



TokBox Developer Evangelist here.

When any client loses connection, a connectionDestroyed event is dispatched to all clients including the client that lost the connection. There is also a Connection Event object which includes a reason and a Connection property that is dispatched with the event.

The reason for the connection destroyed event varies depending on if the client called the disconnect method on the Session object, was force disconnected, or disconnected due to a network condition. In the context of a client temporarily losing connection, the connectionDestroyed event will fire with the reason property of the event data set to networkDisconnected.

As for the signal queue, by default, any signals you send while the client is temporarily disconnected from a session are queued and sent when (and if) it successfully reconnects. You can set the retryAfterReconnect property to false in the options you pass into the Session.signal() method to prevent signals from being queued while the client is disconnected.

For more information on Automatic Reconnection, please visit:

