How does diamond operator work with array as argument

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-01-28 10:30:56


I have got an array @address whose zero element contains some strings. I can not find an example diamond operator works with @array as argument. (how it 'split' strings?)

use Mojo::Loader qw/ data_section /;

my @address =  data_section 'main', 'address_strings';

while( my $line = <@address> ) {
  print $line;


@@ address_strings
"010101, УУУ обл., м. Тернопіль, вул. ВВВ, буд. 0101, 01"
"020202, ЛЛЛ обл., ААА район, село ФФФ, ВУЛИЦЯ ШШШ, будинок 01"
"030303, м.ЮЮЮ, ЮЮЮ р-н, вул. ЛЛЛ, буд.01, офіс 01"

Reading from doc <> operator allow GLOB or filehandle, but in my case that is just array of one string.

my @arr = <<TEXT;

while( my $line =  <@arr> ) {
    print ">>$line<<\n";

Does <> do something magic for this case? You can notice, that lines are splitted


That's ... not what the diamond operator does, which is why you can't find any examples.

You only need:

foreach my $line ( @address ) { 
  print $line;

The <> denotes reading from a file handle, and @address is not a file handle. It isn't even an array of file handles.

You could theoretically do

while ( my $line = <DATA> ) { 
   print $line; 

Which because DATA is a file handle, <> triggers a single record read from that filehandle. (record boundary defaults to linefeed, but you can change $/)

This wouldn't make sense given what you're doing with Mojo, I merely give it as an example of how it should work.


<> is potentially two different operators, glob or readline. If what is in it is a simple scalar variable or a bareword, it is a readline operation, and the argument is the filehandle to use. Otherwise, it is a glob operation and the argument is treated as whitespace separated filenames (or filename wildcards to expand).

When <> is a glob operation, it is treated as a double-quotish context, and arrays are interpolated by joining with $" (which defaults to space). So <@x> is glob "@x" is glob join $", @x. So assuming $" is unchanged and there are no wildcards in the elements of @x, it is very much like just split ' ', "@x", joining all the elements together with spaces and then splitting the results on whitespace.


Have a look at perldoc -f glob.

A typical usage would be:

my @suffix = qw(*.yaml *.json);
my @yaml = <@suffix>;
# or directly
my @yamlfiles = <*.yaml *.json>;

So be careful when using it for data that could potentially be a filename wildcard ;-)

