Firefox ESR 68 doesn't support rem units in an svg's dimensions. Workarounds?

久未见 提交于 2021-01-28 09:40:26


Update: This is a missing feature, and is being worked on:

I have this svg icon on my web portfolio (the Tor Project icon), which is at If you open this page on Firefox ESR 68, it will ignore rem values in the width and height of the svg, making the icon have an inconsistent size compared to the other icons from FontAwesome. Its size will be nearly doubled.

<svg id="torproject_icon" width="5.5rem" height="5.5rem" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns="" aria-label="{{ 'about.torproject_icon'|trans }}">
  <g transform="translate(-58.12 -303.3)">
    <path d="m77.15 303.3c-1.608 1.868-0.09027 2.972-0.9891 4.84 1.514-2.129 5.034-2.862 7.328-3.643-3.051 2.72-5.457 6.326-8.489 9.009l-1.975-0.8374c-0.4647-4.514-1.736-4.705 4.125-9.369z" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
    <path d="m74.04 313.1 2.932 0.9454c-0.615 2.034 0.3559 2.791 0.9472 3.123 1.324 0.7332 2.602 1.49 3.619 2.412 1.916 1.75 3.004 4.21 3.004 6.812 0 2.578-1.183 5.061-3.169 6.717-1.868 1.561-4.446 2.223-6.953 2.223-1.561 0-2.956-0.0708-4.47-0.5677-3.453-1.159-6.031-4.115-6.244-7.663-0.1893-2.767 0.4257-4.872 2.578-7.072 1.111-1.159 2.563-2.749 4.1-3.813 0.757-0.5204 1.119-1.191-0.4183-3.958l1.28-1.076 2.795 1.918-2.352-0.3007c0.1656 0.2366 1.189 0.7706 1.284 1.078 0.2128 0.8751-0.1911 1.771-0.3804 2.149-0.9696 1.75-1.86 2.275-3.066 3.268-2.129 1.75-4.27 2.836-4.01 7.637 0.1183 2.365 1.433 5.295 4.2 6.643 1.561 0.757 2.859 1.189 4.68 1.284 1.632 0.071 4.754-0.8988 6.457-2.318 1.821-1.514 2.838-3.808 2.838-6.149 0-2.365-0.9461-4.612-2.72-6.197-1.017-0.9223-2.696-2.034-3.737-2.625-1.041-0.5912-2.782-2.06-2.356-3.645z"/>
    <path d="m73.41 316.6c-0.186 1.088-0.4177 3.117-0.8909 3.917-0.3293 0.5488-0.4126 0.8101-0.7846 1.094-1.09 1.535-1.45 1.761-2.132 4.552-0.1447 0.5914-0.3832 1.516-0.2591 2.107 0.372 1.703 0.6612 2.874 1.316 4.103 0 0 0.1271 0.1217 0.1271 0.169 0.6821 0.9225 0.6264 1.05 2.665 2.246l-0.06204 0.3313c-1.55-0.4729-2.604-0.9591-3.41-2.024 0-0.0236-0.1513-0.1558-0.1513-0.1558-0.868-1.135-1.753-2.788-2.021-4.546-0.1447-0.7097-0.0769-1.341 0.08833-2.075 0.7026-2.885 1.415-4.093 2.744-5.543 0.3514-0.2601 0.6704-0.6741 1.001-1.092 0.4859-0.6764 1.462-2.841 1.814-4.189z"/>
    <path d="m74.09 318.6c0.0237 1.04 0.0078 3.036 0.3389 3.796 0.0945 0.2599 0.3274 1.414 0.9422 2.794 0.4258 0.96 0.5418 1.933 0.6128 2.193 0.2838 1.14-0.4002 3.086-0.8734 4.906-0.2364 0.98-0.6051 1.773-1.371 2.412l0.2796 0.3593c0.5204-0.02 1.954-1.096 2.403-2.416 0.757-2.24 1.328-3.317 0.9729-5.797-0.0473-0.2402-0.2094-1.134-0.6588-2.014-0.6622-1.34-1.474-2.614-1.592-2.874-0.213-0.4198-1.007-2.119-1.054-3.359z"/>
    <path d="m74.88 313.9 0.9727 0.4962c-0.09145 0.6403 0.04572 2.059 0.686 2.424 2.836 1.761 5.512 3.683 6.565 5.604 3.751 6.771-2.63 13.04-8.143 12.44 2.996-2.219 4.428-6.583 3.307-11.55-0.4574-1.944-1.729-3.893-2.987-5.883-0.545-0.9768-0.3547-2.188-0.4006-3.538z" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
    <rect x="73.07" y="312.8" width="1" height="22"/>

I need help finding a way to make it display properly on Firefox 68 ESR while maintaining the use of rem units on supported browser versions. I don't even know where to start.

So far I was only able to reproduce this on the mentioned Firefox ESR version. I have tested the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera and Epiphany.

I'm running Debian 10 Buster and have only found out about this problem today, while accessing the site with this system. I don't see how the OS would be responsible for this.

UPDATE: My Android phone has Firefox 68 as well, and it is reproducible there. Google Chrome on the same device respects the rem units on the svg icon.

UPDATE: I've reported this issue here:

