CPLEX and Python 3.7

好久不见. 提交于 2021-01-28 08:22:14


I'm trying to use cplex with python version 3.7.3. CPLEX has a setup.py for version 3.7, but when I try to use it I still get the error "CPLEX is not compatible with this version of Python". Is there a workaround for this or do I need to downgrade to Python 3.6?


Let's assume the Python 3.7 executable is located at C:\Python37\python.exe and CPLEX 12.9 is installed at C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio_Community129. Then, to install the CPLEX Python API, you would do something like the following:

cd "C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio_Community129\cplex\python\3.7\x64_win64\"
C:\Python37\python.exe setup.py install

The installation instructions for the CPLEX Python API can be found here.



To my knowledge for the optimization solvers CPLEX and DOCPLEX you need to downgrade to Python 3.6 currently.


I myself had to downgrade to Python 3.6 because I had the same problem but that was because Python 3.7 is 32-bit and the CPLEX API requires 64-bit (I can't tell you why, but that's just what I learned). Once you install Python 3.6 64-bit then you can download the CPLEX and DOPLEX packages so easily you'll hate that you didn't do it in the first place.

