React Router in Azure IIS Rewrite

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-01-28 08:09:56


I have a few routes in my React app that accept a GUID value as a parameter. For instance, a user receives an email with a link and follows that link to verify and activate their account on the site.

<Route exact path="/register" component={Register} />
<Route path="/register/:id" component={RegistrationConfirmation} />

When I deploy this app to Azure, I am able to serve the page through express and navigate to http://[mysiteUrl]/register but static links provided in confirmation emails yield 404 errors.

Here is my current web.config from the site/wwwroot folder:

     <rule name="Rewrite Text Requests" stopProcessing="true">
         <match url=".*" />
                        <add input="{HTTP_METHOD}" pattern="^GET$" />
                        <add input="{HTTP_ACCEPT}" pattern="^text/html" />
                        <add input="{REQUEST_URI}" pattern="^api/" negate="true" />
             <action type="Rewrite" url="dist/index.html" />
     <rule name="register" stopProcessing="true">
         <match url="^/register/*" />
         <action type="Rewrite" url="dist/index.html" appendQueryString="true" />

This doesn't work and looks like it just attempts to navigate to a separate page in the same location:

What is the correct way to configure this file so that I can serve up parameterized routes?


Alright, so the issue was pretty stupid, but I did manage to get it sorted. The issue was the route resolution in the index.html


<script type="text/javascript" src="./dist/bundle.js"></script>

Had to be changed to this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/dist/bundle.js"></script>

Here's my final web.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <webSocket enabled="false" />
      <add name="iisnode" path="./app.js" verb="*" modules="iisnode"/>
     <rule name="React Requests">
         <match url="/*" />
            <add input="{HTTP_METHOD}" pattern="^GET$" />
            <add input="{HTTP_ACCEPT}" pattern="^text/html" />
         <action type="Rewrite" url="./dist/index.html" />

          <add segment="node_modules" />

    <!-- Make sure error responses are left untouched -->
    <httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough" />


Should be noted that I'm not leaving anything up to Express. All the routing is handled here.

