Is it possible to encrypt mpeg-dash clear content in ffmpeg?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-01-28 07:20:49


Is it possible to encrypt mpeg-dash clear content in ffmpeg? or do we need to additional code to handle the encryption?

From ffmpeg dashenc.c code it appears that dash code does not encrypt the content. Can we reuse the mp4 muxer for encrypting and dash for segmenting?


You can use ffmpeg and openssl to create an AES encrypted HLS stream if this meets your needs - the ffmpeg documentation ( includes this example script:

openssl rand 16 > file.key
echo $BASE_URL/file.key > file.keyinfo
echo file.key >> file.keyinfo
echo $(openssl rand -hex 16) >> file.keyinfo
ffmpeg -f lavfi -re -i testsrc -c:v h264 -hls_flags delete_segments \
  -hls_key_info_file file.keyinfo out.m3u8

You can also use mp4Box ( to create basic clear DASH encryptions:

MP4Box -crypt drm_file.xml movie.mp4 -out movie_encrypted.mp4

The drm info is included in the drm_file.xml and is explained at the link above.

