Send sms notify message to user when his/her account locked, how can i do that in C#

99封情书 提交于 2021-01-28 06:26:51


Bot Info SDK : C# Active Channels: SMS (Twilio) Bot version: v4.4.3

Issue Description: I'd like to be able to send proactive messages through SMS messages. When a user's account locked, i have that person's phone number, and i want to send a notify message like "your account is locked, please do something." Is this possible? i checked the documentation about proactive message, which is get the "ConversationReference" through "activity", i don't know with the phone number, can i create a "ConversationReference" object, and how to tell bot about the phone number through notify controller.

Thank you.


Fortunately, unlike most channels, you can construct a conversation reference without having to have the user message the bot first since you know the user's number and you have the bot's number. Take a look at the code snippet below. You can send a proactive message to a phone number by sending a get request to http://localhost:3978/api/notify/+1##########

using Microsoft.Bot.Connector.Authentication;

public async Task<IActionResult> Get(string number)

    var conversationReference = new ConversationReference {
        User = new ChannelAccount { Id = number },
        Bot = new ChannelAccount { Id = "<BOT_NUMBER>" },
        Conversation = new ConversationAccount { Id = number },
        ServiceUrl = ""

    await ((BotAdapter)_adapter).ContinueConversationAsync(_appId, conversationReference, BotCallback, default(CancellationToken));

    // Let the caller know proactive messages have been sent
    return new ContentResult()
        Content = "<html><body><h1>Proactive messages have been sent.</h1></body></html>",
        ContentType = "text/html",
        StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,

private async Task BotCallback(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("proactive hello");

For more details on sending proactive messages, take a look at the Proactive Message sample.

Hope this helps.


Twilio developer evangelist here.

If you don't already have a conversation reference from a previous conversation then the documentation doesn't seem clear on how you would start a conversation. In this case, it might be easier to send the user the SMS message using the Twilio API directly.

