Compare Products use multiple properties

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2021-01-28 06:04:35


I have an Excelsheet and want to compare the products by multiple values. My Excel looks like this:

| Name| kcal | Fat | Carbs | Protein | €/kg |
| Product A | 383,00 | 5,90 | 6,50 | 76,00 | 21,98 |
| Product B | 359,00 | 0,70 | 3,20 | 85,00 | 24,90 |
| Product C | 380,90 | 5,86 | 8,79 | 73,25 | 32,17 |
| Product D | 390,00 | 5,50 | 5,30 | 80,00 | 18,96 |

I would like to find the "best" product by the following criteria:

  1. lowest kcal
  2. lowest Fat
  3. lowest Carbs
  4. highest Protein
  5. lowest €/kg

Is there a way to do this with excel/google docs?

Maybe a little add-on. The highest priority is €/kg, after that Protein and the other three have the same importance.


It's a bit vague what would be considered the "best", however you could consider adding all these amounts together (subtract the protein) would give you a matrix in which you can get the minimum.



Add a multiplication, e.g.: *1.05 to any of the columns if you consider them to be of more importance.

