Django Allauth Signup Prevent Login

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-01-28 04:26:04


Is there anyway to prevent the Allauth Signup form from automatically logging in the User?

I found a similar post here with no answers:

prevent user login after registration using django-allauth

Thank you.


You get logged in because this behavior is baked into the signup view of the allauth. When the form is valid, the view calls the function called complete_signup that does two things:

  1. Emits the user_signed_up signal
  2. Logs a user in

To solve this, we need to leave the step 1 and replace the step 2 with a simple redirect.

Here's how this can be done:

  1. Extend the SignupView from allauth/account/ and override its form_valid method like this:

class CustomSignupView(SignupView): def form_valid(self, form): # By assigning the User to a property on the view, we allow subclasses # of SignupView to access the newly created User instance self.user = try: signals.user_signed_up.send( sender=self.user.__class__, request=self.request, user=self.user, **{} ) return HttpResponseRedirect(self.get_success_url()) except ImmediateHttpResponse as e: return e.response

Haven't tested the code, but it should be working.

  1. Wire your new view up in, so it replaces the old Signup view url.


I am using django-allauth 0.42.0

There is no need to extend the SignUp view, it can be achieved by the setting:


in your project file.

