How to retrieve each single array element from mongo pipeline?

余生长醉 提交于 2021-01-28 00:44:34


Let's assume that this is how a sample document looks like in mongo-db,

    "_id": "1",
    "attrib_1": "value_1",
    "attrib_2": "value_2",
    "months": {
      "2": {
        "month": "2",
        "year": "2008",
        "transactions": [
            "field_1": "val_1",
            "field_2": "val_2",
            "field_1": "val_4",
            "field_2": "val_5",
            "field_3": "val_6"
      "3": {
        "month": "3",
        "year": "2018",
        "transactions": [
            "field_1": "val_7",
            "field_3": "val_9"
            "field_1": "val_10",
            "field_2": "val_11",

The desired output is something like this, (I am just showing it for months 2 & 3)

id months year field_1 field_2 field_3
1 2 2008 val_1 val_2
1 2 2008 val_4 val_5 val_6
1 3 2018 val_7 val_9
1 3 2018 val_10 val_11

My attempt:

I tried something like this in Py-Mongo,

pipeline = [
        # some filter logic here to filter data basically first
        "$addFields": {
            "latest": {
                "$map": {
                    "input": {
                        "$objectToArray": "$months",
                    "as": "obj",
                    "in": {
                        "all_field_1" : {"$ifNull" : ["$$obj.v.transactions.field_1", [""]]},
                        "all_field_2": {"$ifNull" : ["$$obj.v.transactions.field_2", [""]]},
                        "all_field_3": {"$ifNull" : ["$$obj.v.transactions.field_3", [""]]},
                        "all_months" : {"$ifNull" : ["$$obj.v.month", ""]},
                        "all_years" : {"$ifNull" : ["$$obj.v.year", ""]},
        "$project": {
            "_id": 1,
            "months": "$latest.all_months",
            "year":  "$latest.all_years",
            "field_1": "$latest.all_field_1",
            "field_2": "$latest.all_field_2",
            "field_3": "$latest.all_field_3",


# and I executed it as
my_db.collection.aggregate(pipeline, allowDiskUse=True)

The above is actually bring the data but it's bringing them in lists. Is there a way to easily bring them one each row in mongo itself?

the above brings data in this way,

id months year field_1 field_2 field_3
1 ["2", "3"] ["2008", "2018"] [["val_1", "val_4"], ["val_7", "val_10"]] [["val_2", "val_5"], ["", "val_11"]] [["", "val_6"], ["val_9", ""]]

Would highly appreciate your valuable inputs regarding the same and a better way to do the same as well!

Thanks for your time.

My Mongo version is 3.4.6 and I am using PyMongo as my driver. You can see the query in action at mongo-db-playground


This is might be bad idea to do all process in a aggregation query, you could do this in your client side,

I have created a query which is lengthy may cause performance issues in huge data,

  • $objectToArray convert months object to array
  • $unwind deconstruct months array
  • $unwind deconstruct transactions array and provide index field index
  • $group by _id, year, month and index, and get first object from transactions in fields
  • $project you can design your response if you want otherwise this is optional i have added in playground link
  { # some filter logic here to filter data basically first },
  { $project: { months: { $objectToArray: "$months" } } },
  { $unwind: "$months" },
    $unwind: {
      path: "$months.v.transactions",
      includeArrayIndex: "index"
    $group: {
      _id: {
        _id: "$_id",
        year: "$months.v.year",
        month: "$months.v.month",
        index: "$index"
      fields: { $first: "$months.v.transactions" }
], allowDiskUse=True);


