How to make method generic without getting “No matching Shape found”

前提是你 提交于 2021-01-27 21:11:21


I am not sure how to get past this "No matching Shape found" error, apart from writing lots of boilerplate.

The basic idea illustrated in the Gist is that I have a very basic version of a method (works, but is very specific), then a version that takes the mapper parameter and is more generic (works too, but is specific to one particular type), and then a third version which takes a type parameter and would be very useful, but doesn't compile because of this error.

Basic method:

def updatePD_FirstNames(id: ids.PersonalDetailsId, firstNames: StringLtd30): Future[Int] = {

Better method:

def updatePD_SL(id: ids.PersonalDetailsId, mapper: tables.PersonalDetails => tables.profile.api.Rep[StringLtd30], sl: StringLtd30): Future[Int] = {

Ideal method (but doesn't compile):

def updatePD_X[X](id: ids.PersonalDetailsId, mapper: tables.PersonalDetails => tables.profile.api.Rep[X], sl: X): Future[Int] = {


[server] $ compile
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to ... target\scala-2.12\classes...
[error] ...schema\DbProxy.scala:688: No matching Shape found.
[error] Slick does not know how to map the given types.
[error] Possible causes: T in Table[T] does not match your * projection,
[error]  you use an unsupported type in a Query (e.g. scala List),
[error]  or you forgot to import a driver api into scope.
[error]   Required level: slick.lifted.FlatShapeLevel
[error]      Source type: slick.lifted.Rep[X]
[error]    Unpacked type: T
[error]      Packed type: G
[error]   val q2: Query[tables.profile.api.Rep[X], X, Seq] =
[error]                                                            ^
[error] one error found
[error] (server/compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 4 s, completed 23-Mar-2017 11:15:47


Full code at


The only obvious problem I can see in the code you've posted is that X is unconstrained. It could be any type, includes ones that Slick doesn't know how to process.

What you can do is add a context bound on X. The bound you probably want is BaseTypedType, which is a "typed type" Slick uses to identify types it can work with. It's described from 11:30 in

You'd use it like this:

import slick.ast.BaseTypedType

def updatePD[X : BaseTypedType](
  id: Long, 
  selector: PersonTable => Rep[X],
  newValue: X
): DBIO[Int] =
  people.filter( === id).map(selector).update(newValue)

What that means is that when you use the method...

updatePD(anId,, "Alice")

...the compiler has to prove to itself that whatever X you use, there is an approproate type representation in Slick.


This is also from Richard, but the exchange took place on gitter.

The only trouble with the first answer is that by demanding an implicit of type BaseTypedType[X] the context bound forces client code for optional columns to provide an implicit of type BaseTypedType[Option[X]] even when BaseTypedType[X] is already available.

This is unnecessary. Slick handles optional columns for you and if you provide an implicit for BaseTypedType[X] you are providing enough for it to handle columns of type Option[X].

So the context bound, while it works, is more demanding than necessary and results in having to write implicits in the client-code that involve directly referencing null and replicating logic already built into Slick. Not good.

The answer is to declare the implicit parameter as a named implicit parameter (called shape below) in its own parameter list, i.e. in long-form, not using the context bound short-hand :BaseTypedType. Then you can specify the more complicated but less demanding constraint used below.

So the solution is:

def updatePD[X] (id: Long, selector: PersonTable => Rep[X], newValue: X)
                (implicit shape: Shape[_ <: FlatShapeLevel, Rep[X], X, _]): DBIO[Int] = {
        people.filter( === id).map(selector).update(newValue)

Understanding why shape has the exact type Shape[_ <: FlatShapeLevel, Rep[X], X, _] depends on an intimate understanding of Slick's types and implicit mechanisms. Richard may yet write a blog post on that!

