How to generate plug-in using .ecore metamodel

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-01-27 18:17:12


I have 2 files, an ecore implementation metamodel and an e-Repository. The e-Repository is provided in EMF format together with the ecore implementation metamodel. I want to browse the contents of this repository and all I know is that I have to generate an Eclipse plugin from the implementation metamodel and with this plugin, I can open the repository and browse its content. But I have no idea how to generate the plugin and proceed with it.

The ecore implementation metamodel was developed using EMF version 2.7 which can be found in Eclipse Indigo SR2, the e-Repository was generated with the same environment.

Can anybody help me with this, please? I have almost no knowledge about working with these meta-models and plug-ins. Any tutorial or steps to follow?


Hi Aleenah – Sorry about the slow reply, but just stumbled on this - It looks like you’re trying to get started with the ISO 20022 e-Repository, right? (

I'm afraid that there was a bug in the ecore metamodel that caused more recent versions of EMF to (correctly) fail to generate. This bug was fixed last year and I've tested the latest version of the metamodel with the latest (Mars) version of Eclipse Modeling Tools.

So, my advice is to download and try again. If your problem persists, drop a note to the ISO 20022 Registration Authority ( - If they can’t help you, ask them to point you to Jamie and I’ll help you out. Good luck!

