Andorid Webview How to POST data to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2021-01-27 14:32:58


I have a Webview In that I am loading web with Query string perimeters like

String url = map.get("utype") + map.get("sid") + "/login/login.php?"+"&"+"strid" + "=" + map.get("strid")+"&"+"appmod" + "=" + map.get("appmod")+"&" +"ttype" + "=" + map.get("ttype")+"&" +"payp" + "=" + map.get("payp");

I am loading that Query string in webview


So Now Insted of using Query string I want to POST Parameters to x-www-form-urlencoded

These are my Parameters

strid = map.get("strid");
appmod = map.get("appmod");
ttype = map.get("ttype");
payp = map.get("payp");

I followed this but its not Working

can any one help me on this..

I want to POST data to x-www-form-urlencoded in Web-view

After posting I it will load my Web-server(website).


I have Given these values for post

String postData="strid="+URLEncoder.encode(map.get("strid"), "UTF-8")+
"&appmod="+URLEncoder.encode(map.get("appmod"), "UTF-8")+
"&ttype="+URLEncoder.encode(map.get("ttype"), "UTF-8")+
"&payp="+URLEncoder.encode(map.get("payp"), "UTF-8");

Now after Adding The Details I have given this to at URL


But still Its not working

can anyone suggest me whats wrong


You need to call webView.postUrl(url, encodedData);

Values must be encoded with URLEncoder.encode(postData, "UTF-8") or "BASE64" depends on backend.

If its not working make sure you have url in correct format. You can also share it to here without exposing your values if you are not sure.

