Authentication Failure using Git-LFS Azure DevOps Pipeline

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-27 13:23:16


I'm getting the following Authentication failure attempting to checkout a repository with git-lfs support in an Azure Devops Pipeline:

##[command]git -c http.<url>="AUTHORIZATION: bearer ***" lfs fetch origin 8d51d72484c1b19a2427ed9f7736d410e43a8a29
fetch: Fetching reference 8d51d72484c1b19a2427ed9f7736d410e43a8a29
fatal: could not read Password for '<url>': terminal prompts disabled
batch response: Git credentials for <url> not found.
error: failed to fetch some objects from '<url>/info/lfs'
##[warning]Git lfs fetch failed with exit code 2, back off 5.476 seconds before retry.

The repo is also hosted on Azure DevOps, and the pipeline is configured as follows:

  - checkout: self
    lfs: true
    persistCredentials: true

It succeeds without lfs enabled, but only downloads the file pointers. What credentials does it require, and how do I supply them?

