How do I silence vlc output from bash script completely?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-01-27 12:25:24


I have a script I wrote for myself and it uses vlc somewhere towards to end and I need it to stop outputting anything it wants but keep my own outputs (so no "clear").

i have used the parameters: "-q" and "--no-sout-x264-quiet" but to no avail, it still outputs ugly msgs, ie: "Warning: call to rand()" and "Blocked: ..." and "Gtk-WARNING ** ..."

i tried redirecting 'vlc ... > err.log', it dont help...

(edit[forgot to add]: the redirect '>' doesnt work, file is empty)

i searched in vlc -H but its massive and there are >20 "quiet" keyword, non of which seem like they would help

Please help me :'(


Normal redirection via ">" will just redirect "standard output". You must use "2>" to redirect the "standard error" stream.

vlc .. > out.log 2> err.log


A "great" guide to redirection in bash (both STDOUT and STDERR) can be found here

