Selenium WebDriver Python reload html without refreshing the page

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-01-27 11:38:57


I have a page with self-refreshing content (via WebSocket) like this one. While the content is constantly changing my firefox webdriver can only see the initial content. I could get the fresh one by refreshing the page by


but this causes unnecessary traffic besides in the Firefox window the new content already appear.

My question is: Can I get the fresh html as I can observe in the Firefox window without reloading the whole page?


If the page contents change over a period of time, one option you could do is check the page source every n seconds. A simple way to do this would be to import time then use time.sleep(5) to wait for 5 seconds, then get the page source. You can also put it in a loop, and if the page contents have changed within the succeeding 5 second periods, then selenium should be able to get the updated page contents when you check. I haven't tested this, but feel free to check if it works for you.

EDIT: Added sample code. Make sure that you have marionette properly installed and configured. You can check my answer here if you are an ubuntu user (

# this code would print the source of a page every second
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
import time

# side note, how to get marionette working for firefox:

capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX
capabilities["marionette"] = True
browser = webdriver.Firefox(capabilities=capabilities)

# load the page

while True:
    # print the page source
    # wait for one second before looping to print the source again

