I am using Espresso for UI testing android. I wanted to run a test with location off in the settings and I got stuck with the location enabler dialogue as it fails other test. I have mentioned my observations and what I have tried so far
- Used UiAutomator, it works only on single test case but it fails on complete run of test suite.
- Used Grant permission rule, it gave permission but the dialogue still exists.
Used Roboelectric, it had no effect on the problem.
Used Shadow operation, it had no effect on the problem.
I have also attached a sample image of the location dialogue.
Thank you.
Currently I'm using grantPerms method which should be added to all test classes (all = test-classes which require access to android permissions) so I'm just call it at the right time (if app need perms).
Here is scheme:
public class MyClass {
// Rules etc.
public void myTestWithPerms() {
// click view, if it's need permissions to camera etc., just call
grantPerms(); //calling inner grantPerms method
// Another code, if you need access to gallery now
grantPerms(); //calling inner grantPerms method
// Some test code
private void grantPerms(){
// grantPermsCode
Or do you mean something specific?
Update I see, so I will show an example how I have resolved it on my side, for me this is good solution.
- example: imagine that you have some app which interact with phone contacts (1-st tap "Contact btn" in your app should cause raise of android permissions alert "Deny/Allow" btns)
- so currently your test will have a line-wise structure (access activity/screen -> check presence of UI component by certain params (title, ID, package name etc...) -> click on this component)
- NOW after first tap you should perform android permissions alert (YOU know after which action (tap etc.) this alert suppose to be shown)
so YOU just need to create a inner private method inside your test class (which currently require access to android permissions) scheme was added above
UPDATE2: generally you can't turn ON GPS services programmatically, this is not allowed since android v.4.2, so generally it's better to turn ON GPS services manually before test was started, but take a look at this
solution, may be this is what you want:
public class MyTestClass { // Rules etc. @Test public void myTestWithTurnOnGPS() { // once access the map check alert presence tapTurnOnGpsBtn(); //call inner **tapTurnOnGpsBtn** method } private void tapTurnOnGpsBtn() throws UiObjectNotFoundException { UiObject allowGpsBtn = device.findObject(new UiSelector() .className("android.widget.Button").packageName("com.google.android.gms") .resourceId("android:id/button1") .clickable(true).checkable(false)); device.pressDelete(); // just in case to turn ON blur screen (not a wake up) for some devices like HTC and some other if (allowGpsBtn.exists() && allowGpsBtn.isEnabled()) { do { allowGpsBtn.click(); } while (allowGpsBtn.exists()); } }
So this method should be call in all places IN YOUR APP which suppose to raise GPS alert ()