EXC_BAD_ACCESS in device, not in simulator

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-01-27 06:15:17


I have implemented adwhirl in my project. I have implemented it previously in my projects, so I just incorporated it into my current project from my previous.

- (UIViewController *)viewControllerForPresentingModalView {
  return self;

I had used this in my previous projects..since my window.rootvviewcontroller was self only. But in my current project there are many screens on which I am showing ads, so I have used:

- (UIViewController *)viewControllerForPresentingModalView {
      return return [[(AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window] rootViewController] ;;

The main problem is the program was crashing, and still is. At first everything was okay: iads test ads loaded up, but it crashed rarely. I soon understand it was because of Admob. It crashed rarely because admob ads were not loaded most of the time.

Now searching for these crashes, I came across a point that since I have made the project in Xcode 4.2 rather than my previous projects Xcode 4.0 there were strong attributes in my window and view controller. I removed it.

Now the problem is in simulator it doesn't crash but it crashes in device.

The error is after I have added adview as a subview and it has - (UIViewController *)viewControllerForPresentingModalView went through this function but before adWhirlDidReceiveAd method.

The actual crash is [GADRequestPrivate spamSignals] EXC_BAD_ACCESS.


Below answer has already earned bounty for me :) ..... you can try for your problem...

Link : Getting to the bottom of crash

I found one of the best way to Debug the code for Crash. Follow the link for Debugging technique:


You need to analyze your Console very carefully to see actually why the Crash occurs. This helped me in almost all of the Code that are without ARC enabled.


I recommend you analyze your project and look for memory leaks and zombies. It seems like you are sending a message to a released object which causes the invalid memory access. The zombies detection cannot be run on the device, but you can run it on the simulator. Take a look at Xcode Instruments - Enable NSZombie Detection? Where is it?

Hope it helps.


Even if this happens in proprietary Adwhirl code, you can learn a lot by turning on all the debugging flags as specified, for example, in How to break on __NSAutoreleaseNoPool. This answer discusses lots of debugging flags, not just autorelease pool ones.

