Intellij Idea find all deprecated usages in the project

核能气质少年 提交于 2021-01-21 12:10:41


I upgrade a language level in IntelliJ Idea in a quite big project and I would like to find all deprecated method usages left - I look for all the striketrough occurrences. I have found a similar question for PhpStorm where is suggested an approach:

  • CodeRun Inspection by Name... → Enter inspection name: deprecated

This is not available in the IntelliJ Idea IDE. I work with 2018.3.3 version. Is there a comfortable way to search for all the occurrences?


The action you are looking for is in

  • Analyze -> Run Inspection by Name

The inspection "name" is still deprecated, however you will then need to chose a specific inspection in the drop down (e.g. "Deprecated API usage" for Java OR for PHP)

