How to get metrics data from aws cloudwatch to csv

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-01-21 04:39:04


i have been working on project, and i want to export metrics data from cloudwatch like CPU Utilization and Network Out data, is there any way to get that data? and convert it to csv?


Export CloudWatch Metrics

You can't do it directly but following is the step by step instructions:

Pre Reqs

  1. AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) from here
  2. jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor from here

How to export

Use the following CLI:

aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics 
--namespace AWS/EC2 --metric-name CPUUtilization 
--dimensions Name=InstanceId,Value=i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
--statistics Average 
--start-time 2020-03-01T00:00:00 
--end-time 2020-03-31T23:59:00 
--period 3600
--region us-east-1

Valid options for --metric-name depend on the --name-space parameter. For AWS/EC2, the full list can be seen by running the following CLI command:

aws cloudwatch list-metrics --namespace "AWS/EC2"

Valid options for --statistics are:


--start-time and --end-time specify the range.

--period The granularity, in seconds, of the returned data points.

--region The region where the CloudWatch metric is being meatured (us-east-1, us-west-2 etc.)

Data output will look something like the following:

    "Label": "CPUUtilization",
    "Datapoints": []

To convert it to CSV we will use jq. For this you have two options:

Option 1

Pipe all the aws cli output to jq:

aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics 
--namespace AWS/EC2 --metric-name CPUUtilization 
--dimensions Name=InstanceId,Value=i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
--statistics Average 
--start-time 2020-03-01T00:00:00 
--end-time 2020-03-31T23:59:00 
--period 3600
--region us-east-1
| jq -r '.Datapoints[] | [.Timestamp, .Minimum, .Unit] | @csv'

Option 2

Export the data to JSON:

aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics 
--namespace AWS/EC2 --metric-name CPUUtilization 
--dimensions Name=InstanceId,Value=i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
--statistics Average 
--start-time 2020-03-01T00:00:00 
--end-time 2020-03-31T23:59:00 
--period 3600
--region us-east-1 >> data.json

Use jq to read the json to csv:

jq -r '.Datapoints[] | [.Timestamp, .Minimum, .Unit] | @csv' data.json


Here is how the output will look like:



There is no in-built capability to export Amazon CloudWatch metrics to CSV.

There are API calls available to extract metrics, but you would need to write a program to call the API, receive the metrics and store it in a suitable format.

There are projects available that can assist with this, such as:

  • mogproject/cloudwatch-dump: Just dump all the CloudWatch metrics.
  • AWS – CloudWatch – DataExtractor – API | vMan
  • romgapuz/awsmetric2csv: AWS Metric to CSV is a Python command-line utility to extract CloudWatch metric data from an AWS resources (e.g. EC2, RDS) and save to a CSV file.

If you are looking for these types of tools, make sure they refer to CloudWatch metrics, not CloudWatch Logs (which is something different).

