How to add multiple style attributes to a react element? [duplicate]

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-01-20 20:03:30


How would I go about adding multiple style attributes to my React element?

Some of the components in my app are using the same styles throughout with minor variations in styles. I am trying to accomplish something along the lines of <div style={this.styles.mainStyle, this.styles.variationInStyle}></div>.

These styles are in a file called styles.js hence the this.styles.x. It works with only one style in it. The closest I found to this solution was in a Reddit Post. The solution was <div style={$.extend({}, style1, style2)}></div> but of course, it doesn't work nor does the variation <div style={style1, style2)}></div>.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated! I will also be posting in Reddit and the Reactiflux Discord group if the answer should come from either source, I will post the answer here.


style is just an Object, with css value turn to camelCase, so you could use any way to merge two object, and it should work.

ES6: style={Object.assign({}, style1, style2)}

ES7: style={{...style1, ...style2}}

lodash: style={_.merge({}, style1, style2)}


as @michealmuxica said, the style prop is is just a JS object with camel casing for the keys. So you can set your style on your components as such:

<MyComponent style={{height:"100%", marginLeft:"70%"}} />

I prefer to create another JS file per component to contain the style objects, then import them into the component's file. I feel like this keeps the code more clean and modular:

//in MyComponentStyles.js
var style = {
        width: "100%",
        marginLeft: "auto",
        marginRight: "auto"
    //...other styles...
export default styles;

//in MyComponent.js
import {default as MyComponentStyles} from "./<path to styles>/MyComponentStyles.js;

var App = React.createClass({ 
    render: function() {
        return ( <MyComponent style={MyComponentStyles.base} /> );

